Niveau de diplôme
BAC +3
60 crédits
1 année
Langues d'enseignement
A one-year international program, taught in english : 6 months to be operational (september-february) and integrate a company over
an internship period of 4 to 6 months (march-august)
Accelerate your professional career by integrating the Outdoor Marketing & Communication Bachelor and become one of the future go-to-Market managers,
product managers, communication or marketing managers in the outdoor sports industry.
Apply and propel your career forward with this unique learning experience that combines theory and practical experience with professionals and experts in the
outdoor sports industry.
Effectifs attendus
20 étudiants
Date de début de la formation
Première semaine de septembreDate de fin de la formation
Première quinzaine de septembreStage (hors formation en alternance)
Internship period of 4 to 6 months (march-august)
The 4 months internship takes place in an outdoor sports industry company in France or abroad.
Modalités des projets tutorés
Each student participates in a group project involving work on a specific issue provided by outdoor sports industry stakeholders.
The program is structured around 3 major topics :
Discover the sports market culture
- Brand management
- Sports industry market study
- Sustainability
- Outdoor commercial market player study
Design product offer
- Basics of product range design, consumer profiles and segmentation
- Design tools (graphics, colors, tech pack)
- Product communication support tools
Define the communication program
- Communication basics
- Digital communication
- Product launch, trade marketing
- Communication plan
- Consumer and sports marketing
- Podcast creation
Sélectionnez un programme
LP - Outdoor marketing & communication (ex SDC) - En anglais
La licence professionnelle (OMC) OUTDOOR MARKETING & COMMUNICATION (ex Sports Design Communication (SDC), pour l’Industrie des sports Outdoor, est destinée à former des personnes chargées de communication.
C’est une formation en un an, entièrement en anglais, proposée en formation initiale mais aussi à des candidats adultes dans le cadre de la VAPP.
Comme il s’agit d’une licence professionnelle, les débouchés concernent la vie active. Le taux de poursuite d’études est faible (10% à 15 %).
Cette formation est réalisée en partenariat avec l’association Outdoor Sports Valley (OSV) qui regroupe les plus grandes marques de l’industrie du sport de la région.
Elle s’adresse à des étudiants français ou étrangers qui veulent travailler dans l’industrie du sport à l’issue de la formation.
The Bachelor Outdoor Marketing et Communication (OMC), ex Sports Design & Communication (SDC), is intended to train communication managers.
It is a one-year training course, entirely in English, offered in initial training but also to adult candidates within the framework of the VAPP.
As it is a professional bachelor, the opportunities relate to working life. The rate of further studies is low (10% to 15%).
This training is in partnership with the Outdoor Sports Valley (OSV) association, which brings together the region’s leading sports industry brands.
It is aimed at French or foreign students who want to work in the sports industry after the training.
UE501 The outdoor world
11 créditsSports industry culture
3 créditsOutdoor market players & commercial distribution
2 créditsBrand management & outdoor trends
2 créditsProject management & professional communication
2 créditsSustainability in the outdoors
2 crédits
UE502 Design
9 créditsMarketing product & product design
1 créditsDesign tools: trends, colors, graphics
1 créditsStartup week - OSV Academy challenge
3 créditsGraphic tools
2 créditsDesign product and service design
2 crédits
UE503 Communication
10 créditsCommunication Basics
1 créditsBig idea
2 créditsGo-to-market 1 - Content management
2 créditsGo-to-market 2 - Consumer communication
2 créditsGo-to-market 3-1 - Trade communication
1 créditsGo-to-market 3-2 - Communication tools creation
2 créditsFacultatif
Languages optional LV2
0 crédits
UE601 Communication strategy
4 créditsCommunication action plan
2 créditsGlobal strategy plan
1 créditsInnovation management
1 crédits
UE602 Design & communication tools
6 créditsCRM
1 créditsProduct communication support tools
1 créditsCommunication digitalisation
3 créditsPodcast & video creation
1 crédits
UE603 Consulting project
8 créditsGroup project
8 crédits
UE604 Internship
12 créditsInternship
12 crédits
A qui s'adresse la formation ?
- Minimum 2 years of higher education studies (120 ECTS)
- Individuals with official recognition of previous professional acquired skills may also apply
- Prerequisites : Good level of english required, strong interest in graphics and design, passionate about outdoor sports, creative / energetic and teamwork minded, good knowledge of digital communication tools as well as social networks
Conditions d'admission
- Être recruté par une entreprise en alternance.
- Etre diplômé de bac +2 : DUT, BTS ou L2 en lien avec le domaine de formation
- Pour les personnes de + de 26 ans inscrites à Pôle Emploi et titulaires d’un Bac+2, formation accessible en alternance sous réserve d’être recruté par une entreprise.
- Possibilité de VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience).
Candidater et s'inscrire
Inscriptions en ligne du 22/01/2024 au 02/07/2024 sur :
Et après
Métiers visés et insertion professionnelle
- Go-to-Market manager (oversees the messaging, design, and execution of the
product offering) - Product manager
- Marketing/Communication manager
- Marketing activation specialist