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Sciences, Technologies, Santé

DU International operations and business management

  • Niveau de diplôme

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    60 crédits

  • Durée

    1 année, 2 semestres

  • Langues d'enseignement





For French students who’d like to have better skills and knowledge in what Soft and Hard services of a Company have to deal with.

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Dimension internationale

International dimension

The IOBM university diploma offers an alternative to the existing DUETI. Allowing students to enjoy studies abroad more smoothly. Students will have a semester (Fall) in France to get ready to live and study abroad.

If their application is accepted by the IAE, the future IOBM students will benefit from a double registration and get an Economics and Management Bachelor degree with a specialization in “Finance”, “Marketing and Communication” or "International Business"

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Les atouts de la formation

Assets of this DU

The students will follow their Fall semester (S5) in France with international students, dealing smoothly with English language and intercultural aspects. This will unable them to do their Spring semester (S6) abroad in a partner university of their choice.

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Effectifs attendus

20 students : the group will be composed of both international and French students.

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Aménagements d'études

Each block of modules (UE) will have 120 hours of face-to-face teaching.

UE1 = Cross skills (Compéténces Transversales) – 14 ECTS

UE2 = Technical skills (Compétences Techniques) – 16 ECTS

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Date de début de la formation

The IOBM DU starts at the beginning of September

Date de fin de la formation

The IOBM DU ends around december 22nd


This semester addresses these issues by looking in depth at topics such as "Team management" and "interpersonal skills" through the lens of multiple forms of intelligence. Key functions within a company, such as "Corporate social responsibility", "Quality management" and "Supply chain" are also studied.

The link with local companies is also important, so students participate in company visits, observe management processes first-hand and do group projects on contemporary topics. In addition to developing rounded professionnals, a special emphasis is placed on innovation and how to manage it.

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A qui s'adresse la formation ?


Students with a DUT (TC – GEA – QLIO….) or students with a Bachelor willing to get an extra year to enlarge their skills and have an experience abroad.

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Candidater et s'inscrire

Attendus de la formation

What to expect ?

The students will have a wide overview of what happens in a company from an industrial point of view to a marketing/business one.

They will have the opportunity to work with international students and share intercultural points of views and knowledge.

They will also have opportunities to visit local companies and have conferences given by professionals.

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Et après

Poursuite d'études

What next ?

They can carry on to do a Masters if they have their Bachelor degree (Marketing, Business, Sales, Finance….) or enter the world of work 

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Métiers visés et insertion professionnelle

Positions ?

  • Management
  • Marketing department
  • Sales…
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