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Sciences, Technologies, Santé

DU International industrial and business management

  • Niveau de diplôme

    BAC +3

  • Durée

    1 semestre

  • Langues d'enseignement



The International and Business Management  (IIBM) semester is aimed at students in the final year of their Bachelor degree and is only available in the autumn semester
(semester 5 : end of August to the end of December).
All of the subjects are entirely taught in English.

In today’s competitive job market, graduates are required not only to be skilled within their specific field, but also to have a variety of other skills and knowledge which will enable them to work with others in a professional environment

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This semester addresses these issues by looking in depth at topics such as "Team management" and "interpersonal skills" through the lens of multiple forms of intelligence. Key functions within a company, such as "Corporate social responsibility", "Quality management" and "Supply chain" are also studied.

The link with local companies is also important, so students participate in company visits, observe management processes first-hand and do group projects on contemporary topics. In addition to developing rounded professionnals, a special emphasis is placed on innovation and how to manage it.

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