Niveau de diplôme
BAC +3
60 crédits
1 année, 2 semestres
Langues d'enseignement
A one-year international program, taught in english / 6 months to be operational (september-february) and integrate a company over an internship period of 4 to 6 months (march-august)
The sports industry is in need for young professionals and future generation of products managers who will develop strategies to please the customer’s needs in order to optimize a product or its communication and conversion. Students of he Bachelor will know how to create roadmaps, analyze and predict the market, set the communication in between the different related teams (engineers, marketers, designers), stakeholders and executives.
If you are an active sportsman/woman and if you have developed your decisionmaking skills through a 2-year scientific, technical or design, you are all set to apply to Europe’s first one-year “Performance sports textile & footwear” program.
Date de début de la formation
Première quinzaine de septembreDate de fin de la formation
Première quinzaine de septembreStage (hors formation en alternance)
The 4 month internship (mostly in english) takes place in an outdoor sports industry company in France or abroad.
Modalités des projets tutorés
Each student participates in a group project involving work on a specific issue provided by outdoor sports industry stakeholders
6 months to be operational (september-february) and integrate a company over an internship period of 4 to 6 months (march-august)
Sélectionnez un programme
LP - Outdoor softgoods design & development - En anglais
La licence professionnelle Métiers de la mode propose le parcours OUTDOOR SOFTGOODS DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, ex Performance Sports Textiles & Footwear (PSTF), destinés à former des chefs de développement produits
C’est une formation en un an entièrement en anglais proposée en formation initiale mais aussi à des candidats adultes dans le cadre de la VAPP.
Comme il s’agit d’une licence professionnelle, les débouchés concernent la vie active. Le taux de poursuite d’études est faible (10% à 15 %).
Cette formation est réalisée en partenariat avec l’association Outdoor Sports Valley (OSV) qui regroupe les plus grandes marques de l’industrie du sport de la région.
Elle s’adresse à des étudiants français ou étrangers qui veulent travailler dans l’industrie du sport à l’issue de la formation.
UE501 Understand needs and context
6 créditsUE502 Fabrics, design
14 créditsTextile technical fundamentals
4 créditsFabrics performance - Laboratory
4 créditsDesign culture
1 créditsProduct design
4 créditsPattern making and sewing
1 crédits
UE503 Management and marketing related to manufacturing processes
10 créditsProject management, methodology and tools
2 créditsProduct management
2 créditsProduct and service design
2 créditsEconomic basics for technical textiles
2 créditsProduct marketing in the sporting goods industry
2 créditsProfessionnal communication
UE601 Group project
8 créditsUE602 Products, development - economics - innovation
10 créditsDesign vision through footwear
1 créditsTextile manufacturing
2 créditsAccessories (backpack, tents, gloves...)
1 créditsProduct development
2 créditsIndustrial fundamentals in sport industry
2 créditsFootwear
2 créditsProduct development workshop
UE603 Professional experience
12 créditsInternship
12 crédits
A qui s'adresse la formation ?
- Minimum 2 years of higher education studies (120 ECTS)
- Creative, enterprising and interested in good interpersonal skills
- Individuals with official recognition of previous professional acquired skills may also
Candidater et s'inscrire
Candidatures en ligne sur :!accueilView
Et après
Métiers visés et insertion professionnelle
In terms of job prospects in the outdoor sports & leisure industry (apparel, footwear, accessories) : Product Developer, Project Manager or Designer for the outdoor Sports & Leisure Industry